Picture this, walking along the neatly aligned path flourishing with flowers and nature on a warm Summer’s evening, hearing the children playing in the Diana Memorial
Playground and watching the breeze through the trees, it’s the last place for technology, right?
In 2017, the Royal Parks was headed for a big transformation. Following the merger of a former DCMS agency and The Royal Parks Foundation charity, the organisation was on a path to completely transform how it operated, with technology forming a large part of this.
Across eight core sites with several additional offices and buildings, the Royal Parks needed a single source of truth and one main route of connectivity. You probably wouldn’t notice walking through the vast open parks but behind the scenes, there are people working on-site in the carefully camouflaged buildings, educational facilities and site infrastructure, all needed be to connected to data centre networks and beyond. Through careful planning and understanding how the charity worked, we were able to transform their network, providing a solid foundation for future expansion and initiatives...
Download and read the full customer story of The Royal Parks and how through forward planning, we were able to support them through the pandemic and beyond.