CAE Carbon Reduction Plan 

    Executive Summary

    CAE is proud to present our Carbon Reduction Plan for the fiscal year July 2023 to June 2024.  This report demonstrates our unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability and our progress towards achieving Net Zero emissions by 2040. While our reported emissions have increased, this change reflects our dedication to a more comprehensive and transparent reporting process rather than an actual increase in our carbon footprint.

    As we continue to mature and track an increasing number of data points regarding carbon emissions, we will continue to include these in future reports.

    Our UNFCC Race to Zero Pledge 

    As a business, we commit to the following: 

    • To achieve net zero in line with the science-based targets set out by the UNFCCC3, i.e., to achieve net zero no later than 2040 and to target a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030. This is 10 years ahead of our legal commitments. 
    • To set realistic short and long-term targets that are designed to achieve our Net Zero commitments. 
    • To report our business's total Greenhouse Gas emissions regularly and for our performance to be part of Future Net Zero’s and CBN Expert’s annual reporting back to the UNFCCC.

    CAE acknowledges that our commitment is reported on the Network Net Zero website. CAE made its pledge to the Race to Zero via the Network Net Zero Community on 24th January 2023. The record of the pledge can be found at: 

    Read our full Carbon Reduction Plan FY23/24 below.

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